
Name River [surname]
Nickname(s) None
Age 20's
Height 5'3
Species Dhampir
Gender Nonbinary
Pronouns He/They
Sexuality Queer
Theme None

A DND character I originally used for a Halloween oneshot before I wanted to slightly revamp them and use them for another campaign.

The basic premise behind him was to make the world's most pathetic wet cat dhampir possible, so I also wanted his design to look pretty harmless too :D He was turned when he was younger and parents are hard so I'm just gonna say they're out of the picture, probably from dying from the dhampir attack? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Their original design was slightly different, pretty much just a hair color change lmao (it used to be brown) :D

He's a bit of a wimp, but he's not necessarily weak. In his attempts to not be found out as a dhampir he tries not to do anything suspicious like drinking blood or looting corpses (he's an opportunistic hunter, he doesn't kill people except for animals like a deer or rabbit for blood) He can also satisfy his craving through raw flesh.


Early Years

I imagine he lived with his parents until they were attacked by a dhampir which resulted in River being turned into a dhampir themself (via the scarring on their thigh as well as the classic bite marks on their neck) while their parents didn't survive.

Campaign Stuff

Every time he's tried to hide anything in the campaign he's failed horribly and ended up being known by barbarians in the town as being metal AF for killing a troll by biting it HGKDLSA River has so far killed 2 creatures by biting them. Y'know, trying to lay real low. River has poor charisma but high constitution because I want him to be really hard to kill despite looking like a wet napkin.

His background is being a wandering artist who tries to sell his works, which are paintings and wood carvings/sculptures :D His primary clientele were originally deep gnomes in the Underdark, so he's learned Undercommon because of this. (He has the failed merchant background because I thought it was really funny and fit the wet cat vibe, so he eventually moved out of the Underdark because he was struggling to find more people to sell to)

DND Stats

    Health: 23
    Armor Class: 14
    Initiative: +2
    Strength: +0 (10)
    Dexterity: +2 (14)
    Constitution: +3 (16)
    Intelligence: +1 (12)
    Wisdom: +2 (14)
    Charisma: -1 (8)



A fellow campaign member. River met her in the woods when he was in the middle of drinking deer blood. They then traveled together from town to town until they eventually met up with the rest of the campaign players.


  • He's monk class so it'll work with the constitution-based bite better and because he doesn't really wear armor or have weapons aside from super simple basic ones.
  • His necklace is a locket with a painting of a sky that changes in real time to reflect the time of day (AKA ripoff minecraft clock HGKFLAD)
  • Art Fight page here.
