⟪ My Music ⟫

WIP Music Files (Google Drive)

Song file recovered (wip 1)
Program LMMS
Comments I wanted to make something more 8-bit sounding again, but it kind of got away from me.

Song dangerdangerdanger (wip 1)
Program LMMS
Comments It's short but I still like it. I wanna get better at having more variety in my drum parts!

Song evil not waltz (wip 1)
Program Musescore 3
Comments I LOVE when video game OSTs have a song that's like this big evil classical piano score so I wanted to try and make something like that! It's super short though because I didn't know how to expand upon it, but I like how it is so far :D

Song Cipher (wip 3)
Program LMMS
Comments I really enjoy making more intense sounding music with lots of bass and guitars! Title came from osteophage.




Xenafar · Last Death

Plus more music posted here!